Legal notice

This website has been developed by AIR Institute.

Fundación Instituto Internacional de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencias de la Computación (AIR Institute), G37571627, is registered in the Regional Registry of Foundations of Castilla y León, with number CL-37-00960, and headquarters in Plaza Ayuntamiento, 1, 37188 Carbajosa de la Sagrada (Spain).

At AIR Institute we are particularly concerned about ensuring the confidentiality and security of data provided by users.

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 EU 27/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data at AIR Institute we need you to know what personal data we hold and to agree to its processing.

In compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Regulation, we inform you that:

  • The data you provide us with will be incorporated into files under the responsibility of AIR Institute with CIF: G37571627.
  • AIR Institute guarantees the confidentiality of all data provided by its users. In addition to the minimum requirements established by law, the collection and processing of data is carried out under appropriate levels of security to prevent the loss or manipulation of data by third parties.
  • All users of the AIR Institute portals have the right to access, rectify or delete, limit or oppose the processing, portability and withdrawal of consent presented in relation to their data. At the end of the processes, the data will be cancelled and those that are necessary for any use for historical, statistical or scientific purposes will be saved in accordance with specific legislation.
  • In order to exercise these rights, users may contact the following address:



Who is responsible for the processing of your data as a user of Salamanca Tech Summit?

AIR Institute, owner of the website, is responsible for the processing of your user data:

Fundación Instituto Internacional de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencias de la Computación (AIR Institute), G37571627, is registered in the Regional Registry of Foundations of Castilla y León, with number CL-37-00960, and headquarters in Plaza Ayuntamiento, 1, 37188 Carbajosa de la Sagrada (Spain).

The e-mail address for the purposes of the portal is


What information does Salamanca Tech Summit collect about you and how or from where do we obtain it?

The information we hold about you includes data relating to who you are and how you use Salamanca Tech Summit's services and we obtain it directly from you and only if you voluntarily so wish.

We remind you that the personal information you provide directly to us must always be true, accurate and up to date. We will provide you with the necessary tools to enable you to update or correct this information.

We may also obtain your data through public or private institutions with which we have a legal agreement in which you have expressly consented to us holding your data. Specifically, SalamancaTech Summit collects information directly when you:

What are your rights and how can you control your data?

Access, rectify and delete your data, as well as other rights and management options available.



The use of the services and content of the AIR Institute portals is subject to the legislation in force and to the principles of good faith and non-disturbance of public order, in particular to national and international human rights protection standards.

The user shall not use the AIR Institute portals to transmit, communicate or disseminate, in any way whatsoever, opinions or content that is illegal, defamatory, vulgar or in any other way likely to offend the sensibilities of others or to violate the values or dignity of the individual.

Any use of the portals for illicit purposes or purposes that damage or impede, damage and/or overload, in any way, the use and normal operation of the portal and that directly or indirectly harm the portal or any third party is prohibited.

AIR Institute reserves the right, without prior notice, to suspend the service if the user's conduct is contrary to this Code of Ethics.